This theme was sketched out in late 2018, with composition being completed in December 2019. An uplifting, anthemic feel was desired, to complement the darker, more gritty main title theme (in development). I repurposed one of my favorite chord progressions from the world of popular song (ten points to Ravenclaw if you can spot what it is) to serve as the piece's harmonic underpinning, then constructed an undulating melody to connote the changing fortunes of the characters as they progressed along their journey, but ultimately ending with a triumphant fanfare. In production, Tim Bongiovanni's keen eye was invaluable in helping craft the piece's arrangement, beginning with the ascending french horns and string arpeggiating obligato, and expanding all the way to the fortissimo brass and woodwinds. Finally, contemporary sampled percussion was mixed with traditional elements such as timpani and triangle, for an integrated sound which blends old and new into what we hope is a well balanced sonic experience. -AF