League of Dreams is a book series written by Adam Farouk. It follows the adventures of former quad-dimensional wunderkind Tamberlain Chase who, along with a new gang of time-meddling misfits, is put to work once again jumping through fourth-dimensional space, this time via the collective subconsciousness of Faerworld's sleeping minds. As political tensions flare on the harsh and sectarian continent of Tuweni, so grows the threat of bio-psychological attack from without. To defeat an unseeable foe, Chase must turn a haphazard group of unruly rivals into the only line of defense Faerworld’s dreamers have against all-out invasion.
Tamberlain Chase is the leader of this team of expeditioners. An artificial gnomonic originally from Faerworld's 19th Century, Tamberlain, or "Chase" as he is more commonly known, possesses the ability to leap through quad-dimensional space, a unified field that includes what we third dimensional beings experience as "time." In short, he is a time traveler; moreover, his has been enriched with the powers of a level eighteen snowmaker, a practical impossibility given that snowmakers are always female. An ethnic Kronim, Chase belongs to the most privileged, powerful race in Tuweni society. To succeed in his mission he will in part have to unite members of each of the perennially clashing cultures on this harsh but colorful continent.
Djekune "Jackie" Broadleaf is Chase's (begrudging, at least at first) second-in-command. She not only owns the "Ship of Dreams," the vessel on which the team travels, but built and helped design it with her since-deceased husband. Jackie is the only member of the crew with the ability to pilot the ship. A member of Tuweni's Sayatu race, she has limited set of innate gnomonic skills, which include acts of physical prowess such as leaping tall structures and long distances. She's distrustful of the rest of her crew, all of whom belong to different cultural groups than hers, and she is protective and territorial when it comes to her ship.
Api'longo, known as "Api," is the ship's operations specialist. A genius with numbers, he can spot and identify patterns within numbers even before they make themselves present. He primary role within the team is to monitor the dozens of quad-dimensional data streams that arrive every second and interpret them, imbuing them with the image and narrative qualities that they possess beneath their numerical surface. For this ability, he's been dubbed the team's "dreamcatcher." A member of Tuweni's Chand'allai ethnic group, his people have been at perpetual war with Jackie's for centuries, and the two far from trust one another.
Imogen "Genna" Chase is the junior-most member of the team, and is Tamberlain Chase's younger sister. Having firmly established herself with the moniker "Chase," she is appalled at having to give it up upon the unexpected (for her) appearance of her older brother Tamberlain, who, incidentally, she refers to as: Tammy. Adopting instead the contraction "Genna," the younger Chase took her place as the ship's navigator and interface specialist. An artificial gnomonic like her brother, her powers are that of a fully-fledged ethermaster, able to manipulate etheric plasma to motivate and communicate with electronics and bioplasma-based machinery.
Jadus is the ship's onboard computer. He is a holographic representation, designed in the image of a male of the fourth native ethnic group of Tuweni: the gelten, or gold, faerads. Believed to be long extinct, the gelten were not only a unifying force in Tuweni, helping stem the outbreak of war between Sayatu, Chand'allai, and Kronim, but also an influential force of good around Faerworld at large. Gelten have been rumored to have designed such consequential structures as the great Terra Fina fortress, not to mention the famed, mythical Orbus. Jadus' primary roles are protocol, interpretation, and as an emergency command program should the crew all be incapacitated.
“Solving mysteries, righting wrongs, finding forgiveness. One dream at a time.”
- On Quad-dimensional Living, Tamberlain, Lord Chase.
Plot Summary:
Full plot summaries will be available post-release!
The ebullient, mind-bending spinoff series to Daughters of Time, League of Dreams (LoD) follows the adventures of former quad-dimensional wunderkind Tamberlain Chase who, along with a new gang of time-meddling misfits, is put to work once again jumping through fourth-dimensional space, this time via the collective subconsciousness of Faerworld’s sleeping minds. As political tensions flare on the harsh and sectarian continent of Tuweni, so grows the threat of bio-psychological attack from without. To defeat an unseeable foe, Chase must turn a haphazard group of unruly rivals into the only line of defense Faerworld’s dreamers have against all-out invasion.
The ebullient, mind-bending spinoff series to Daughters of Time, League of Dreams (LoD) follows the adventures of former quad-dimensional wunderkind Tamberlain Chase who, along with a new gang of time-meddling misfits, is put to work once again jumping through fourth-dimensional space, this time via the collective subconsciousness of Faerworld’s sleeping minds. As political tensions flare on the harsh and sectarian continent of Tuweni, so grows the threat of bio-psychological attack from without. To defeat an unseeable foe, Chase must turn a haphazard group of unruly rivals into the only line of defense Faerworld’s dreamers have against all-out invasion.